Capital One 360 Deposit Agreement

Capital One 360 Deposit Agreement: What You Need to Know as a Customer

As a customer of Capital One 360, it is important to understand the deposit agreement as it sets out the terms and conditions for all deposit accounts. This agreement outlines important information such as account ownership, deposit limits, fees, and interest rates. In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about the Capital One 360 Deposit Agreement.

Ownership of Your Account

The deposit agreement outlines information about account ownership such as joint accounts and trust accounts. Joint accounts are accounts where two or more people own the account together. Trust accounts are accounts where a trustee manages the account for the benefit of another person. The agreement also outlines the requirements for opening and maintaining these types of accounts.

Deposit Limits

The deposit agreement outlines the limitations on the amount of money that can be deposited into your account. For example, there may be a daily or monthly deposit limit on your account. Additionally, there may be restrictions on the types of deposits that can be made to your account, such as checks or wire transfers.


The deposit agreement outlines the fees associated with your account. These fees may include monthly maintenance fees, overdraft fees, and early withdrawal penalties. It is important to review these fees to understand how they may impact your account balance.

Interest Rates

The deposit agreement also outlines the interest rate for your account. The interest rate may vary depending on the type of account you have and the amount of money in your account. It is important to understand how the interest rate is calculated and how it impacts your account balance.

Amendments to the Agreement

The deposit agreement may be amended by Capital One 360 at any time. You will be notified of any changes to the agreement, and it is important to review these changes to understand how they may impact your account.

In Summary

As a customer of Capital One 360, it is important to understand the deposit agreement. It outlines important information about account ownership, deposit limits, fees, interest rates, and amendments to the agreement. It is important to review this information to ensure that you are aware of the terms and conditions of your account. If you have any questions about the deposit agreement or your account, contact Capital One 360 customer service for assistance.