Woodstock Building Associates is an Approved Energize CT Heating Loan Contractor.
0.00% APR Financing for Energy Efficiency Heating Systems
If you are a residential customer of Eversource or The United Illuminating Company (UI), you may be eligible for a low-interest loan to purchase and install an energy efficient heating system.
- 0.00% APR financing For Residential Heating Equipment Upgrades or Conversions for life of loan*
- Loans up to $15,000
- Installments on your loan will be billed conveniently on your monthly electric bill
- Low monthly payments on loan terms from 3 to 10 years which will result in a monthly payment equal to or less than your projected monthly energy savings
- Up to 90% of the heating system equipment and installation may be financed depending on projected energy savings – the greater the savings, the lower the down payment
To learn more, contact our team by phone (860) 928-0897 or email wba@wbahomes.com
EnergizeCT Energy Loan Program
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