Blog | Woodstock Building Associates

Kyle Nichol, Carpenter Apprentice

Kyle does sheetrock, trim, and “anything they throw at me.” He has been learning skills at WBA for two years and enjoys that “every day is something new.” His favorite part of working for WBA so far is seeing “cool architecture” and beautiful features of upscale houses. His future dream house will have a backyard putting green and waterfalls in the landscaping.

Kyle has 2 older dogs, a German & Australian Shepherd. He likes to work on his Ford F350, ride quads, and fish for trout or bass. He loves western Pennsylvania, where he drives 11 “worth it” hours to a region with 900 miles of trails for ATV and quad riding. He also loves music–blues, country, hip hop, an eclectic mix. “If you’re working with me, be prepared to hear me sing,” he says, smiling.