Blog | Woodstock Building Associates

Noah Bernier, Carpenter Apprentice

Noah has done landscape work and assisted with subcontractors, but his favorite skill so far is plumbing, which he studied at Ellis Tech. He is currently learning carpentry at WBA. Noah enjoys doing something different every day, finding varied tasks and problems keeps work interesting. He likes to learn new things and to keep himself busy.

Noah has a girlfriend and pets and loves car racing. As a spotter at Thompson Speedway, he watches from the tower, communicating with the driver (his best friend) on obstacles, strategy, speed, and position. Noah also does side jobs, such as cutting firewood or helping dig foundations with his friend who owns a mini excavator. His favorite place is the racetrack. “I’m always happy there.” A little-known fact: Noah’s grandfather was one of the most honored Vietnam Vets in Willimantic. “He was always stronger than I was. He could do more pushups than me till the day he died.”