Blog | Woodstock Building Associates

Steve Keene, Principal – Team Leader

Steve works with WBA staff to prepare designs, estimates, and contracts. “I love solving the client’s problem, working hard so our clients are happy with our design and comfortable with the budget. When a contract is signed, we know we did a good job, and the project can move forward with our productions team.” Steve takes pride seeing all of WBA’s completed builds around town. Casual encounters with customers outside the build (a handshake, a thank you, a smile) that show they are thrilled with the final product and experience make his day.

Steve, a graduate of Wentworth Institute of Technology, has two young children and treasures family time. He and his wife make it a priority to have dinner together every night. They also enjoy lakeside camping and hikes on vacation, where he can relax and be buddies with his son. Steve also loves working on his house (“a non-stop construction site”). Having completed two 2 major renovations, he appreciates what WBA’s guys in the field do and the challenges homeowners face. Little known fact: Steve is very good at yard games, (washer toss, corn hole, horseshoes, can jam). “I’m terrible at sports but If it’s a game where you stand still and throw something, you won’t beat me!”