Blog | Woodstock Building Associates

June Home Checklist

Summer is almost here, take a look at this great Home Checklist to get a jumpstart on your summer.

  • Make a checklist of summer must dos – visibly post it
  • Empty standing water regularly – keep mosquitos down – check with NDDH on West Nile
  • Corral Summer necessities in a bowl or basket – change seasons – put away winter gloves – get out sunblock & bug spray
  • Check play equipment for safety – swing, slides – repair or replace
  • Hang a clothesline – save energy – fresh smell to clothes
  • Reorganize your kitchen – summer appliances front and center – blenders – self-help center with healthy snacks
  • Make space for summer crafts – re-energize and inspire you
  • Organize and put away school papers – document box – scanning artwork
  • Keep cooling systems running smoothly – change filters – schedule maintenance
  • Plant bee-friendly native plants – fall-blooming perennials – asters – goldenrod – very important source of pollen and not carried by the wind like ragweed
  • Keep eye on irrigation systems for leaks – especially early in the seasons
  • Clean out your garage – do you still need the ice melt right at the door? – gardening tools
  • Check your summer equipment – is it ready to use – beach umbrella
  • Refresh your bathroom – new shower curtain – summer towels
  • Update first aid kits and emergency supplies – issue at my office – American Red Cross checklist
  • Schedule major outdoor projects – upgrade your deck – new patio
  • Clean your gutters if you did not get them done this spring
  • Catch up on projects and maintenance – make June your month to catch up


Via Laura Gaskill as posted on






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